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scrum masters

Understanding the Role of Leadership in Shaping Organizational Culture

The leaders of any organization have the greatest influence on its culture. Why? Because values, in my experience, are top-down. Employees observe and emulate their leaders, their actions have more influence than the values they promote.
We’ll examine how leadership impacts corporate culture in this blog article and how important effective leadership is to creating a positive workplace environment.

Is there a value in having an ongoing PMO or should it be set up for a limited time to solve a specific need?

I wrote an article last year, “Is there a place for a Project management office (PMO) in agile organizations?” I still believe that there is a value in having an ongoing PMO provided it is empowered correctly.  I read an article recently that listed that the lifespan of an average PMO is about two years. …

Is there a value in having an ongoing PMO or should it be set up for a limited time to solve a specific need? Read More »